Trainee Outdoor Instructor Program

Up to 42 weeks
3 and 4

AdventureWorks has a dedicated online learning platform designed to support your development as an outdoor instructor and preparation for qualification assessment.

AdventureWorks has an agreement with New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association NZOIA. Completing Level 4 or 5 Leader qualification you will gain the equivalent NZOIA Leader or 1 qualification, plus the current years Registered Membership.


For people with an interest in working in the outdoors with low skills and low experience to gain qualifications and experience through an internship-type program

For workplaces/ organisations that can gainfully support an instructor with low skills and experience to become valuable to the workplace and gain qualifications. 

About This Qualification

After completing this program, learners will earn industry-recognized qualifications, providing a solid foundation for further training and education.

Organisations will have outdoor instructors that have been trained both internally and externally and are able to contribute to the organisation operations

Programme Structure

  • 3-way agreement between the Learner, AWL and the workplace or organisation
  • AWL  takes responsibility for providing the mentoring, training and support for the student to get through the qualifications.
  • The workplace or organisation provides a supportive environment with sufficient opportunities for developing personal skills and leadership experience to meet the minimum assessment requirements.
  • The learner agrees to meet the requirements set out by the organisation  and training provider.


This is a program that combines two New Zealand qualifications

  • NZ certificate an assistant outdoor leadership, level 3, 40 credits
  • NZ certificate in outdoor instruction, level 4, 60 credits.

Assessment occurs during assessment events following the preparation of skills and experience through training workshops, online tutor directed learning, self-directed learning and experience gained as a volunteer or in a workplace

Enrolment Pathway

To enroll in this program you will need to have a workplace or a volunteer organisation that sees the benefit of supporting you and your development as a trainee outdoor instructor.

General Entry Criteria

  • Academic

    Based on your school achievement (secondary school study)

    40 credits at NCEA Level 2; including 10 literacy credits at NCEA Level 2 and 10 numeracy credits at NCEA Level 1;

    Or a recognised equivalent.

    Based on study completed after school (tertiary study)

    Completed a relevant course at NZQF Level 2;

    Or a recognised equivalent. 

    Based on discretionary entrance

    If you don’t meet any of the above options, and you think you have what it takes to complete this programme, you can apply for discretionary entrance. Your application may be accepted if you can demonstrate a good chance of success. Approval of discretionary entrance applications is decided by the relevant manager. If your application is approved, your acceptance into further programmes relies on you demonstrating success in this programme.

  • Citizenship/Residency

    The funding that we receive subsidises 'valid domestic enrolments' unfortunately, if you are not New Zealand Australian resident or citizen we are unable to Enroll you in this course

    You must provide an original or certified copy of one or more of the following documents:

    A New Zealand Citizen

    a New Zealand birth certificate; or

    a New Zealand passport; or

    a New Zealand certificate of citizenship; or

    A New Zealand Resident

    a) a passport with a current returning residency class visa (a passport with a visa label); or

    b) a passport, and letter or email, confirming current returning residency class visa (label-less visa, followed by confirmation with Immigration New Zealand, where appropriate); or

    c) a certificate of identity from Immigration New Zealand if the student is a refugee.

    An Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident currently residing in New Zealand

    a) an Australian birth certificate issued before 20 August 1986; or

    b) an Australian passport; or

    c) a passport with a current Australian resident return visa

  • Selection Criteria

    Candidates in the NZ Cert  Outdoor Leadership Levels 4,5 and 6 are required in their applications to Provide a logbook that demonstrates they meet the minimum logged hours as necessary for entry.

    Candidates in the NZ  Cert Youthwork need a group to complete the final assessment 

  • English Language Requirements

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Category 1 provider

Qualworks Safety Audit

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