Book your DofE using the Calendar below
How to use the booking calendar
First time?
Have a browse through the calendar for
Public event dates. Simply click on the event you’d like to join, and you'll be redirected to our login screen. Create a new account and provide your details (health info, emergency contacts, etc). Once completed, you can view the event details and finish your booking!
Not your first rodeo?
Click on the event you’d like to join, log in with your details, and don’t forget to check out the add-ons before completing your booking!
Oh man, none of these suit my schedule!
If you can't find an event that suits your schedule, get in touch with us at and let us know what you need and when you need it.
Registering your interest helps us create new events—if enough people are keen, we’ll make it happen!
We’re also happy to organise private events for pre-arranged groups (minimum 6, maximum 11). Reach out to us for more details!